Howdy stranger, and…

Welcome to yetieater’s hovel!

where the drinks are always reasonably-priced!

I’m not sure how you found your way here, but I’m always curious what brings people around these parts…

You are now at square one. The hovel runs deep, and you’re bound to find surprises as you explore.

I stream many parts of my life in order to better document my existence.

I won’t bore you with too many details – you can learn more about me if you’re curious, but I will share my goals with you here:

My Goals

  • Reduce takeoff speed
  • Increase velocity
    • Grease the groove
  • Take flight
    • Fly 1,000,000 revenue miles with United Airlines
      • I’ve flown 164,545 miles so far!

I’ve got big, hairy, audacious goals 🙂

While you’re here, be sure to sign the guestbook below. Just be aware that I’ll know your IP address, so keep it clean down there!

If you insist on anonymity, check out Private Internet Access. They also offer coverage for Android and iOS devices, so you can stay protected on the go.

Note: I am not affiliated with the user “yetieater” on Instagram, Reddit, or Xbox Live.

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