
Not everyone wants to be a champion, not everyone wants to be the bestโ€ฆ But I do.

I’ve interacted with many people throughout my years as an internet denizen.

I have been using live-streaming as a tool to document my life as it happens since 2018, but it wasn’t always this way. I began my journey with broadcasting in 2015 when I began streaming Destiny gameplay on Twitch under the handle ORIGINALyetieater (would you believe someone beat me to my own name on Twitch? what was I thinking… also, could I have possibly done any worse for SEO?), and have since iterated on my channel to expand the programming (I also got the name yetieater back – thank you to the chump who couldn’t stay squatted on it!).

There is rarely a day that goes by where I don’t break something! The name of the game is #fuckitshipit, and I apply this liberally.

The content, captured for posterity on my YouTube channel, moves steadily closer in line with my original vision.

Some folks know me as “the yetieater” on Xbox Live. Although I rarely game at present, the last game I played seriously was Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II on PC and, before that Destiny 2 on Xbox One and on PC. During Destiny 2‘s content drought, I played Fortnite, and returned to dabbling in Rainbow Six: Siege. I’ve been gaming on again and off again since the SNES was big, and when the time is right, I intend to go back to titles that I didn’t have the opportunity to play in my youth. Folks who have stuck with me through yetieater v1 may know that since I stopped playing on the daily, I’ve made some visits to the shooting range, and began regular workout streams from my home gym.


I was a Boy Scout.

I used to harbor ambitions of being a professional gamer.

In-game, I play to win.

I had a 99th percentile Kills:Deaths ratio among the Destiny Trials of Osiris player population.

I used a mouse on Xbox One, and I recommend it.

In order to expedite my growth as a player, I reserved time to review my own gameplay, something I believe is important for making gainz.


I am 35 this year, but old beyond my years.

I am American-born Chinese. I’ve lived in China and visited many times, most recently for Chinese New Year 2024.

I’m based in Houston, TX, although I moved many times growing up, and am an alumnus of four international schools (Hong Kong International School, Shanghai American School, International School of Beijing, International School of Kuala Lumpur).

I daily drive a BMW E46 330i, my first car, which I’ve owned since 2008. I picked up my second car in March 2024, a BMW E85 Z4 3.0.

I’m currently single, and always looking, but I try not to lose sleep over it ๐Ÿ˜›

I type fast AF.

TypeRacer.com scorecard for user yetieater

One of my dream jobs is to be a landscape photographer, capturing natural beauty here in the United States of America and around the world.

If you’re curious to learn more about the man behind yetieater, I’m not hard to find ๐Ÿ™‚