
20180308 Conversation with Wesley Wilson

Wesley Ryan Wilson joined the show on Thursday, March 8th at 9:00PM CST and shared his perspective on the incident that led to his incarceration, detailed in this article: Foiled Broken Arrow Radio Shack robber gets 15-year sentence (Tulsa World).

Wes was charged with conspiracy to commit robbery, attempted robbery, possession of a firearm in furtherance of a crime of violence, and carjacking. He plead guilty, and was sentenced to 15 years in prison plus 3 years of supervision after his release from prison. It was my first time hearing Wes’s story of the incident that led to his incarceration.

You can write to Wes – visit his profile to get started.

New Friend Alert

It’s been a while since I last wrote here, so I’m happy to pour my thoughts out on the state of yetieater today.

At the time of writing, my Twitch channel has been suspended indefinitely. I am well aware that this is an attempt by organized trolls to suppress me: they’ve made their presence known in many ways. I know, for instance, that they have been futilely attempting to get into this backend from which I am now composing my thoughts.

When I began broadcasting full-time, I took a hostile attitude towards trolls. I knew that I couldn’t continue doing this forever, even though I eventually came to relish these opportunities to spar. During one of my workout streams, I remarked that I would ultimately make it such that I could deal with a troll using the single press of a button on my wireless mouse (it has ten programmable buttons). I drafted a message to trolls, a note that I finally released following months of dealing with them as if they were individuals.

I know that some of the trolls who have found their way to my channel are quite intelligent. This shows through the clarity of their writing. I don’t know what, exactly, makes them so determined to drag me down, but I’ve expressed my defiance before, and remain obstinately opposed to them. If I had a dime for every time I’ve knocked on wood for electing not to take on Twitch Affiliate, I could make a couple of payphone calls, and it’s precisely for moments like this, the second time my Twitch channel has been taken offline in the span of a week.

Meanwhile, the groundwork for the hovel’s expansion has been laid, and the foundation is solid. yetieater is slowly getting off the ground, a process that’s taken many years. In the weeks ahead, you can expect an explosion of diverse content and more fresh faces. You will begin to witness a depth to yetieater that you’ve never observed in the past, and I’m so excited to show you what’s still to come.

I’m beginning to feel tired: my eyelids are growing heavy, and my mind is almost clear. yetieater has had his time under the sun, and it’s time to turn my attention back to taking care of my own needs.

With love,
